Best green wool throws for your home.

Best Green Wool Throws and Blankets for your Home


Green wool blankets and throws

Green is a really versatile colour. Blend with other greens or pinks, oranges and neutrals.


Green wool blankets are a really popular choice and it's easy to see why. Green is the colour of nature and has long been associated with calm and soothing spaces. However, green is also a varied colour. Our green wool blankets range from dark forest and moss greens, avocado greens to soft sage greens through to hot lime green.

Each of these green shades are equally popular. There is a green wool blanket for every taste and room in your home.  As a colour, green’s popularity stems from being a colour associated with calmness and tranquillity. It is the colour of nature.

Choosing your green wool blanket

Green wool blankets and throws are available in a wide range of colours and wools. Our collection ranges from perfect Scandi shades of sage green and fern greens through to olive greens, dark avocado and forest greens. Our green wool collection also includes hot lime greens. 

Our green wool blanket collection is available in Swedish lambswool, merino lambswool, recycled wool and eco lambswool. Which wool you choose is a matter of personal choice. If you want a soft and lightweight wool throw, choose merino, if you want a thicker more snuggly wool blanket then our Swedish lambswool throws are for you. Our recycled wool throws and blankets are an ideal choice for those who would like a blanket that has excellent eco credentials.

Green is such a varied colour; Country Mouse is certain that there will be a green wool throw or blanket which will easily blend in with your existing décor. Our green wool blankets are available in soft merino, cosy Swedish lambswool and Gotland wool.  We even have a recycled range which includes Swedish recycled and British Recycled wool blankets.

green wool blanket

There's a green blanket to for everyone. Choose from soft pastel tones to dramatic forest greens.

The weather in the UK can be unpredictable. This is where a wool blanket will be very useful. You can leave a wool blanket on the back of your favourite chair so that it's ready for you to snuggle under when the weather is chilly.  Plus, we think they just look perfect on the chair.merino wool throw

A merino wool wool blanket is not only perfect for those cosy moments at home but beautiful too


Using a green wool blanket in your home

Shades of green make a fresh impact, especially when you set them against neutral shades like white or warm neutrals. Don’t be afraid to mix textures and prints either. We love it when rooms embrace the richness of green and all the shades it offers, so don’t hold back if you want to use green across the board. Green blends well with other greens. It is the colour of nature and there’s nothing nicer than walking in the woods and surrounding yourself in a green wonderland. Your rooms can be like that too if you so desire.

 As well as green paint on the walls, we’re talking green tiles, wallpaper, green worktops, green upholstery, curtains and more. Mix different elements to make an elegant statement. I have used green in my bedroom, lounge and bathroom. I find it so relaxing, and I love dramatic dark green as well as sage greens. I love adding a pink or orange as well.   


Green wool blankets as an accent

One of the easiest ways to add green accents into your home is with a wool blanket. A green wool blanket can easily be left on the back of a chair or sofa and can also be used as an extra layer on the bed. Plants are another easy way to introduce green. I have quite a few house plants in my office and other rooms in my home.

Introducing green wool blankets or any colour wool blanket should be easy. Try not to overthink it. Green is a reasonably easy colour that will always be on trend. Plus, greens are easy to blend with other greens and other colours. Take inspiration from nature. Green is nature's natural foil.

If you want to start adding a green wool blanket to your home then shop our collection.  

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